by Dr. Heidi Berman | Addiction Therapy
In the spectrum of addiction, a person who is clean and sober is not simply abstaining from the use alcohol, drugs, food, or sex. In order to obtain an ongoing successful recovery, sobriety must encumber resolution of the addict’s emotional issues. The failure to...
by Dr. Heidi Berman | Personal Growth
Often when we think of summertime, images of relaxing at a beach or pool comes to mind. Parents and kids get a breather from school. It is a common time to get away from work to vacation. This thought can be shot down with a single email, text or phone call from...
by Dr. Heidi Berman | Personal Growth
Like most holidays, Christmas and Hanukkah evoke memories of childhood or earlier years. Holiday Stress Management! For many, these holiday spirits are all consuming. The joy of being with significant others, exchanging gifts and sharing meals makes for many people...
by Dr. Heidi Berman | Personal Growth
Part I, Thanksgiving Thanksgiving is around the corner. As soon as it arrives, Christmas is right behind. The holiday season can be joyous, depressing or disastrous or a mixture of any or all of these feelings. Regardless, it is a stressful time for individual,...
by Dr. Heidi Berman | Couples Therapy, Personal Growth, Relationships
The most common complaint I hear from people that enter my therapy office is that they are not happy. Not happy with their marriage, partner, children, friends or relatives. Not happy at work, school, or home. They seek therapy in order to find what they believe is a...
by Dr. Heidi Berman | Personal Growth
Group therapy can be a powerful way to implement change. The aim of group psychotherapy is to help with solving the emotional difficulties and to encourage the personal development of the participants in the group. Group psychotherapy is suitable for a large variety...
by Dr. Heidi Berman | Couples Therapy, Relationships
It wasn’t that long ago when marriage was a lifelong commitment. For centuries, the precedent was to marry young and start a family. Success was measured in the ability to raise a family that would do the same. Families were extended entities that endured generations....
by Dr. Heidi Berman | Depression Counseling, Personal Growth
The Stigma of Mental Illness After working in the behavioral health care industry for well over two decades, I have witnessed some change. Most of the changes have affected the settings for how professionals treat patients and the level of available care. This change...
by Dr. Heidi Berman | Depression Counseling
Orange County Depression Counseling – How many times over the years have you made a New Year resolution? Maybe it was to be more organized, excel at work, study more, be less stressed, take a vacation, spend more quality time with your spouse, partner or kids...
by Dr. Heidi Berman | Relationships
As an Orange County Therapist, i know that we live in a dichotomous world. We are either on overload or empty. Hundreds of friends on Facebook but very few we physically connect with any regularity. Not enough quality sleep, time spent with family and taking care...